Friday, July 30, 2010

Telangana voices its verdict Loud and Clear

It's time for people of Telangana to celebrate. It's simply amazing to see TRS and BJP combine making a clean sweep in the by elections and that too with record majorities. It's yet another milestone in the fight for Telangana. It's almost like a repetition of 1971 elections where Telangana Praja Samithi under the leadership of Chenna Reddy won 11 parliament seats of Telangana with thumping majorities reflecting the aspirations of people of Telanagna. Even this by election in 12 constituencies only reemphasize the fact that people of Telangana always wholeheartedly supported for their long pending aspiration of separate Telangana. And nothing can prevent them from doing so.

Nothing has worked in the way of anti Telangana forces. Money power, muscle power, liquor, Babu's babli drama and misuse of power by Congress...Nothing has worked. The victory of BJP candidate Lakshmi Narayana in Nizamabad Urban over DS is a good example to say that leaders can't fool democracy if proper awareness is created among people about what is Dharma and what is Adharama. This election is a befitting reply to those who want to fool democracy and to retain power through short cuts.

It's almost like a suicide for TDP and DS. DS has not only lost Rs 50 crores he spent in the elections but he has lost the moral right to continue in politics. His defeat may even lead to he losing his PCC president chair. He very well deserves it for all his deeds. Atleast now DS should stop exhibiting his stupidity and start extending his support for Telangana demand. TDP lost deposits in several places. Chameleon Babu, the biggest enemy of Telangana and the biggest loser in these elections has to realize politicians cannot ignore the aspirations of the people and make electoral profits. It's never possible in a democracy.

Finally it's culminated to be a great victory for all of us, for the entire four crore people of Telangana. The results are a dedication to hundreds of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Telangana. With these results, people of Andhra region will understand that the demand for Telangana is not an artificial creation of politicians and that people of Telangana fully approve the demand for separate Telangana. These results will also help them understand that people like Lagadapati and Jagan created false campaigns for their own selfish reasons. These results will give a wakeup call to Delhi and their Shri Krishna Committee to understand that the people of Telangana will go to any extent for their demand of Telangana.

Congratulations and sincere thanks to all the people of Telangana, leaders and members of different Telangana political parties, leaders and members of JAC committees of different sections of the society for making sure that we won all 12 seats with thumping majorities. This election will be written in golden letters in the history of Telangana movement.

Jai Hind
Jai Telangana


Anonymous said...

i beg to differ..

i agree tht telangana ppl want a separate state now.. n interestingly most of them doesn't know why!? i saw this live on TV.. When asked them why.. they said they donno.. but they want telangana..

TRS is one of the most corrupted partes in A.P... KCR was a central minister.. and TRS had been in power since yrs.. what development have they done so far?? well.. i can't call protests against ruling parties as development..!

Unknown said...

i wud want Mr anonymous to refer to this,
firstly u just can't generalize that 'mst of daa ppl does know y dey want telangana' by watching some random stupid channel.i want u to get to da telangana region nd talk to dem rather than mking ur own statements,do u thnk being a central minister can get u seperate state, being an indian u shud know hw sophisticated is our system.its nt as easy as jumpin into conclusions.mreovr development of our region is being hampered by limits created by sme crooked politician,we by dese outrageous protests are trying to brk da barrier fr da sake of development.u r right 'protests against ruling parties is nt development' with a smll crrction' protests against ruling parties which r partial to their own regions is termed as developmnt

Anonymous said...

@anvesh reddy

i agree with you..sorry for the immature comments. Hope you succeed in your struggle for a seperate telangana statehood...

Nitin Devara said...
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Nitin Devara said...

Firstly i would Congratulate all the people who made this possible. The impact would have been even more if the sample set(seats contested)were more. But still with the facts like getting huge majorities and other party member losing their deposits summed it up well. Now the ball is in TDP,Congress court. Stop playing double games and sense the severity and genuineness of the Issue. Situation is like Now or Never stop thinking that you can fool people, presently people are in a stage to fool you. Classic Example chiranjeevi (no offense please).

NitiN said...

Donno if the revolution is going in a justified path .. But a huge victory for KCR personally..

@Rakesh .. who do u think is the most capable politian in AP right now .. KCR, BAABU ..?

Unknown said...

Hi Nitin... Good question

Leadership is generally known for influencing people to make them work for a common goal. If we follow this definition, the best leader we had in our state was YSR.

But my definition of leadership is understanding the aspirations of the people, puting every single effort and creating an influence to make everyone work for accomplishment of the aspirations of the people.

From this perspective, KCR is definitely a better leader than Babu. He is the one who has united all four crore telangana people on one single issue and created huge awareness among people which was never seen before. From this perspective, I would say that atleast in telangana, KCR is 100% a better leader than babu. Babu couldnt even raise issues as opposition leader and gain the trust of the people in fighting against the YSR Govt which failed on many fronts.

From all this, we can conclude that KCR is a much better leader than Babu.

BPK said...

Its Pink for now...!!!
Resign and Regain has worked for KCR this time...

Baabu ki inka Andhra ne dikku.. state divide ayyaka AP ki kuda oka hyderabad ista ani campaign chestadu emo...

KCR trying his best to be "Father of Telangana". Will the Congress let him get it? Lets see what happens in the December showdown...!!!

NOTE: Wondering if KCR would have gone for the hunger strike if YSR were alive?

Ravali Priya said...

What if just before the committee gives its verdict.. Some proofs are shown that the leader(KCR here) is corrupt (I am not suggesting.. But what if?)??
Will the people be able to justify their cause and stand up to it? Or if they succeed in the cause,will they be able to accept another person (all of a sudden) as their leader?
Was wondering if people are patient enough,after all the suicides are elusively weak-minded!

Unknown said...

Hi, I just want to put one question.

KCR may be a corrupt person. We are not sure. That's something that atleast has no proof as of now. As an MP without being in power, how much can he can earn is another question one has to think.

Now the important point which we need to discuss is who is not corrupt in our state. YSR or Babu or Jagan?

Each one in the state knows how jagan or YSR has earned thousands of crores in just few years. People say that Jagan runs around 25000 crore business in Bangalore alone. Do you think YSR or Jagan has worked hard and earned such a huge amount legally?

And about Babu, how the hell he can earn thousands of crores just by being a farmer having around 11 acres of land? How can he set up businesses like Heritage without being corrupt.

So, lets not project as if YSR, Babu, Chiru and all those who oppose Telangana are non corrupt and KCR alone is corrupt.

The political system itself has become so corrupt and it needs a proper reformation by young people.

So, lets not link corruption which is universal in India to Telangana issue and deviate from the actual issue.

Anonymous said...

The most corrupted leader in India/who is a true factionalism and kills people if needed for power.....

and he is called as true leader by the author...

i pity on him for his biased statement..

Leaders in telangana are biggest they are not able to get the right funds and made responsible for theto look backward..

separating a state doesnt bring u uplift..

Anonymous said...

Sir.... please justify why did u call YSR as true leader.. :-)

what the crap did KCR do when ysr was alive.. he sat in delhi to save his lives.. :-)

because he shredded our state economy to NULL...
He explored different ways to cheat ppl and suck the money..
lot many to say......

Unknown said...


You misunderstood my statement.I said, "Leadership is generally known for influencing people to make them work for a common goal. If we follow this definition, the best leader we had in our state was YSR."

I said that according to this particular definition which is a literal definition, YSR is a good leader. I stand by that. But I also said that from my perspective definition of leader is different and YSR doesnt fit into that definition.

So, please note that YSR is definitely not a good leader from my perspective.

Anonymous said...

every one is aware why the heck u ppl ask for telangana...


if not hyderabad u are not gonna take it ..
am i right...

If Hyderabad is decided as UT.. will u guys fight this serious????

What the heck ppl in Osmania are doing... are they way GOONDAS..receiving money from KCR and sitting in campus for years....

Unknown said...

I will answer all your queries... if u talk like this even after going thru election results, i cant say much abt it. i am a little busy as of now. will answer ur queries tomorrow.

Ravali Priya said...

Hey actually I would like to mention.. I was asking not about the leaders.. But about the people.. I was asking if they are strong enough to stand their cause even if the leader is proved corrupt! I don't mean to support anyone against KCR.. But I wanted to know your opinion on how people would react.. And.. How they ll accept in future.. My Comment was not at all about measuring who is by far corrupt and who is not!! I know that everyone probably is..

Unknown said...

My comments on ananymous:

I dont think i need to give a counter to your comment on Osmania students. I can understand your frustration. If someone fights against you, you call them Goondas and we know why you call them Goondas. Leave it.

Priya - As you said its important to see if people will fight for it even without KCR. People are fully emotional about the whole issue specially after Dec 9. This time people are ready to fight to fullest extent and you will see that after Dec 6. However, senathipathi is important to guide the sena in a war. Else the sena will scatter in different directions and finally they will be put to defeat. So, Telangana movement cannot succeed in fulfilling its objectives without leadership.Leadership is very crucial in taking forward such movements.

BPK said...

Since there are plenty who think revealing their identity is gonna make them global celebs over night.
Try having a healthy conversation. Using abusive language on someone's post puts you in line with a few others who would categorize those who do not support the division as oppressors..

We all are free to have our opinion. Lets put it forth the best way possible.

@All this fuss over state division is just because of Hyderabad. Had it been on the border of AP and T. The centre would have sliced it in no time.
Politics since ages is linked with economy. Wonder why someone in Nalgonda or Srikakulam or Ongole fight for Hyd to be in T or AP.

Being a Hyderabadi now..
Will someone ask me where I want to be?

Anonymous said...

Amiable fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...

@Rakesh : I am juss curious to know wat u r answers for these questions wud be ? (if u have time )
Iam neither against statehood of telangana nor in position to stand for the cause.

1.Is giving statehood sud be based on votes in elections ?
2. If yes to earlier question , den having a plebiscite in kashmir sud solve kashmir problem rite ?
3.Wat is your take on jharkand statehood?
4.wat ensures telangana doesnt become one more jharkand?
5.1971 and 2010 wat happened in between ?
6.Wat is your take on chinese think head abt breaking india into many smaller separate countries?

and in one of da comments i have seen a comparison between BABU an KCR , i think its stupidity to compare dem , expect dat BABU is against statehood.

Unknown said...

Sure.. will answer all your questions. Am a little busy today. May be tomorrow or so, i shall reply.

Yeah even I would say that its stupidity to compare KCR and Babu. In my view, one who doesnt enjoy the trust of the people is not a leader at all. The primary quality of being a leader is to stand on your words.

On 9 October 2008, in a historical turnaround from its 26-year history, TDP announced its support for the creation of Telangana. Announcing the decision at the party headquarters in Hyderabad, TDP supremo N Chandrababu Naidu said, “Telangana was a ‘historic necessity’ and our party has taken the right decision in this regard. We do not take certain decisions only for political gains. We go by the people's wishes and respect them. The TDP will do whatever required ‘legally, constitutionally and
politically’ for the creation of Telangana state.” Having announced his decision, he fought the 2009
elections in an electoral alliance with TRS.

On Dec 8th, Babu while talking in assembly says, "We are ready to support Telangana if you introduce a resolution and I demand Congress to put a resolution in Assembly"

On Dec 10th After Chidambaram announced the formation of Telangana, Babu says, "How the hell can you give away Telangana. We are disappointed and we will do all whatever is required to stop this"

Just before the recenctly held by elections, Babu says, "We are not against Telangana. If center wants to carve out Telangana, we will not oppose it."

Now tell me if Babu is actually a Leader. People hate such a person. One who change his stands and tries fool people in such a ruthless manner can never enjoy the trust of the people and never become a leader. Thats the sole reason why he didnt win elections against YSR even though YSR's administration was one of the worst in the country.