Two weeks prior to the event, as soon as I saw a personal mail from LKM, I have decided to book my tickets on the same day without any other thoughts in mind. This was an opportunity for me to express my gratitude for all the inspiration and the great learnings that he has provided me. BITS has given him a grand farwell where a large number of students, faculty, pilani locals and alumni across the globe have attanded. Sir deserves it for all his contributions in last 4 decades. Sir has invited me at his residence the next day and we had a good chat for around 15 mins after which Prof V S Rao has joined us. Had a good breakfast at sirs house and finally left his house with sirs wholehearted blessings and a small gift he has brought for me from US. This time too, I havent observed any difference in the affection he has towards us. That itself makes him very unique.
This trip would also be remembered for few other things. Firstly for seeing Nirmaan working with same passion and same momentum even after five years of starting it. That was a proud moment for me. Its an achievement by all Nirmaan members who graduated till now. Entire credit goes to all exceutive committee members of last five batches who have put the maximum efforts to sustain it. Luckily Krish, Anil and Pridhvi have arranged a meeting where I got an opportunity to meet our members. Very happy to meet them and talk to them. I just felt as if I was still in my 3rd year of BITS addressing all Nirmaan members. By the way, I visited even Gyan Vihar while returning from LKMs house. That was another emotional moment and before leaving the campus, I had an hour long talk and interaction with psentisemites attending placements. It was a great interaction. BITsians with same passion and same enthu. Thanks to Vijay who provided this opportunity and I hope that my inputs really help in their career. Then the MBA guys found me on the way and had discussed about their course structure, their fest, how to improve their placements etc. I just had two hours left to leave. After all its my own discipline with just a change in name of the degree. So, I couldnt deny them.
That's how I ended my trip travelling from Pilani to Delhi by same old Rajasthan Road ways Bus with a good chai in Nuthan with my pilani friend Girirajji and Anil, Pridhvi and Karthik. Got a flight in the early morning to bangalore and reached bangalore and felt missing Pilani badly.
I was the only lucky alumni to get an opportunity to speak a few words about sir in his farwell ceremony. After my speech, I have read out 6 select messages from well knwon alumni like Baba Kalyani etc. out of 100s of messages recieved from alumni across the world.
Here is the text of the speech delivered at Prof L K Maheshwari's farewell ceremony in BITS Pilani Audtorium on 4th August reminding my association with Prof LKM:
Respected Prof LK Maheshwari, Prfo BN Jain, the new chancellor, all the Directors, Deans, Faculty members, alumni, guests and my dear BITSians - A very evening to all of you.
40 years of journey at Pilani crossing various milestones and reaching the highest possible position guiding this world class University. From the very grassroots to the highest possible position at BITS. From student to Vice chancellor of the same University. What an amazing journey! What an illustrious career! This alone speaks volumes about Prof Maheshwari. His commitment, sincerity and dedication to academics, love for BITS, affection towards students has made it possible. Prof Maheshwari is a living embodiment of knowledge, human values, spiritual values and entrepreneurial spirit.That makes him a very unique personality.
I am one among the few who is fortunate enough to know Prof L K Maheshwari very closely. I have been closely associated with sir from last eight years. I have closely worked with him on various initiatives in various capacities, as General Secretary of Students Union, as President of Nirmaan, as Vice President of BITSAA International and more as a BITSian. I have had several interactions and several discussions with Prof Maheshwari on various occasions. Having known him so closely, I can only say one thing that BITS Pilani is blessed to have such a Vice Chancellor. We are blessed to have him as our inspiring leader of this University.
The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Prof Maheshwari is one such great teacher. Because he has just not taught in EEE classes and he has just not led this University as Vice Chancellor. But he has inspired a number of people around him May it be students or May it be faculty members or administrative staff to accomplish good tasks in their lives.
I want to share one of my interactions with Prof Maheshwari at this juncture. Each time I meet him, I used to learn something new and something great that I remember it throughout my life. That’s why whenever I used to meet Prof Maheshwari, I always used to take one or two of my friends or my juniors along with me so that they too can get a chance to meet such person. Once I have taken two of my friends along with me for some meeting. After greeting sir, I have opened my dairy and was about to put the first point in the agenda for discussion. All of a sudden, sir asked my freind Mayur how many shirts he has. I was surprised. I was thinking why sir is asking such a question. We were in a dilemma. My friend said he has eleven shirts. Then sir asked can you live with eight shirts. My friend said Yes. Then he took out 10 mins and started explaining us the inherent greatness of our Indian culture saying that Indian culture is a conservative culture where people lead a simple life, satisfy their needs with the minimum number of resources and then try to assist their fellow being with the additional resource they have. This reaps two benefits to the mankind. One is that we can ensure that we do not waste our country’s resources and the other one; we can try bringing up our fellow beings around who are in need. What a great message! My friend even remembers that message even now Such is the kind of inspiration that sir has left on many of us.
On another occasion around 3 years back, once there was a flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of Independence Day. All the students have assembled in the C lawns. All of us were sanding in C lawns and waiting for flag hoisting. Suddenly It was announced that Babaji, a very old aged person, an employee working in SWD will be the chief guest and he will hoist the flag. Prof Maheshwari accompanied babaiji and babaji hoisted the flag. What an inherent great message sir has given through his initiative? Everyone is important in an organization to progress and prosper. Be it the Vice Chancellor or babaji. And another message that he has given us is that one needs to respect elders, their experience and their service.
Such is the personality of Prof Maheshwari. He is a role model for each one of us, for the generations who have graduated and for generations of the future. A genius with human values alone can make it possible.
Sir, from my perspective will be remembered for ever in BITS for four of your major contributions.
1. Developing a culture of entrepreneurship
Promoted CEL, entrepreneurial endeavors of students and inspired students to pursue entrepreneurship
2.Inspiring students towards social activism and social entrepreneurship
Promoted Nirmaan which is providing a platform for at least 50 students from each batch to make a social contribution to the society. Promoted Women studies, RED activities
3.Upholding BITS Values and Strengthening BITS culture
Took pride in BITS culture like attendance, several discussions, giving freedom etc..
4.Creating a Vision for making BITS a world class university
Personally I share a very close relation with sir. Sir you have been my mentor and inspiration and I have no words to express my gratitude for that except saying that If I have done something good till now and I am going to do something good, it’s definitely because of the inspiration you have provided me.
Sir, on behalf of members of Nirmaan, BITSAA International, batch of 2002, alumni across the world and on my personal behalf, I wish you a very good health and happy life in this new phase of your life. We are glad that you will be around us as advisor to chancellor while BITS continues its journey its excellence.
Thank you.

Hey Rakesh,
It was a great speech. Even I had an opportunity to meet him often as A8 coord. LKM sir truly deserves every accolade.
Hari Bharath Molabanti
2004 - 2008
Thank you Hari
Hi Rakesh,
No words , i can just thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences with LKM sir. He is truly a great inspirational figure.
BTW heard about people following your blog, but never took interst in it.. after your latest BJP founder post .. i have almost read 20 odd posts of yours at a stretch ... ll be regularly hitting your blog from now on :)
Keep blogging nd we like your thoughts.
Thanks Ram. Nice to hear to your feedback. Sorry, I saw your comment only today when I was going through my old posts.
Sure. I shall keep blogging my thoughts. These days am a little busy with office work and some other work. But I would surely continue blogging soon.
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