Each time I sit with my friends or colleagues for a long discussion, we never end the discussion without discussing about our future plans. One after the other, each one starts expressing their distinct ambitions and goals. Whenever my turn comes, I say that politics is something that I am passionate about. The moment I express my interest in politics, a series of questions comes on to my way. The first and the very common question they ask is why politics?
Then I start giving my usual answer. Politics is something that’s inseparable from our daily lives and politics is something that has an impact on almost every aspect of our lives. It is the outcome of politics and political decisions that affect the lives of most people around us. But as a fact we know that the impact depends on what kind of politics we are involved in and for what. Politics when practiced in a good manner can bring a great awakening among the citizens and provide them a happy and a prosperous life and foster a value based society while when it’s practiced for selfish purposes, it has the worst possible impact on the society. It’s time for such great political awakening among everyone specifically among intelligentsia and spiritual people. If politics and politicians of the generation before us have degraded, then it is time for a change in our attitudes towards politics. People who are educated and full of fresh ideas are certainly needed to pull this off.
Having understood this and having seen the ground realities from my childhood and having got inspired by Swami Vievkananda’s ideology for a stronger India, I have decided to pursue politics as an instrument for a better society. I share Swami Vivekananda’s ideology on almost all the aspects of life and society and that itself is a guiding force to me throughout my way.
A stronger India needs good governance to people with a pride in our past and a hope for future. Good governance wouldn’t be possible if a Chief Minister or Prime Minister alone practice good politics and follow good administrative approaches. But it is possible only when even the public representatives at the lowest unit of our country like a gram panchayat sarpanch follow certain good governance principles. Following are the 13 simple ways which I thought of which can help a public representative in providing good governance to his or her electorate.
1. Being accessible and approachable
2. Understanding problems of people of different walks of life, understanding their priorities, interests and their aspirations
3. Developing vision documents for each village, each locality, each section of the society and each sector of the industry in your constituency
4. Strategizing the vision with time bound programs, approaching the Government, inviting non governmental agencies, enterprises and getting the required grants/permissions/projects
5. Creating an atmosphere of inspiration for people to move towards peace, progress and development
6. Making sure that the strategy is implemented without any flaws
7. Being accountable
8. Being transparent
9. Effectively Communicating of your vision, strategy, achievements and challenges to people on a time to time basis
10. Making information of the Government and my own programs available to every single citizen of your constituency
11. Making sure that the Government policies are reaching the right people at right time
12. Taking regular feedback and constantly working on feedback
13. Ensuring that a conducive atmosphere is created for those who want to do anything good to your people
I firmly believe that the above 13 points are basics for good governance. But just listing down the above 13 points doesn’t help unless good strategies are devised to make sure that each of them is perfectly put into implementation. For example, for one to be accessible to people and to be approachable, one needs to plan different ways by which one can do so. May be he needs to set up a full fledged constituency development office in his constituency listening to grievances of people or may be one needs to have a website where people can just login and raise their concerns or may be one needs to spend at least 10 hours in his office listening to concerns of people. In this way, proper strategies are needed to make sure that the above 13 points are put into implementation and thus to make sure that a good governance is offered to people.
For past few weeks, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about these strategies, discussing with many people and referring different ways or policies which different politicians have already adopted. It has been a great learning exercise for me. I kindly request you all to let me know your thoughts on how each of the above 13 can be put into implementation or if there is a 14th or a 15th point which you want to suggest. Integrating my own thoughts and all your good suggestions and different references, I would like to come up with a blue print for good governance by a public representative and would like to follow the same once I enter full time politics.
Let us bind every soul with the thread of love
Let us fill every mind with self-esteem
Let the whole nation march on the path of progress
Let the victory of Bharat reverberate in the entire world
Let the world overcome darkness and be full of light
Jai Hind
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Youth Empowerment Alone Can Revive India's Past Glory
Finally It was a moment of satisfaction for me. I myself initiated a number of social projects in many different places across the country but I never did anything to village. This always was my concern. But my concerns were totally taken care on Aug 15th this time. By God's grace, a concerete activity has been initiated. Recently in July when I went to village, I met the headmaster of our Government school in our village and shared my thoughts on how improvements can be brought in in the school and thus how a change can be fueled in the village. Headmaster appreciated my thoughts and asked to put them into implementation.
I have planned "Dr. A P J Abdul Kalama Merit Scholarships" for class toppers of 5th to 10th standard just as as an encouragement to students. Apart from this, I have also planned "Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Grama Ratna" for the best student of our village for that particular village. The program was successfully conducted. Gram Ratna was a real Gram Ratna this time. This is awarded to a student named Rudrarapu Naresh who come from a very backward family financially. He stood as district topper by scoring 576 marks out of 600 and that too by studying in a Government school. Village youth, public representatives and many villagers have gathered and participated in the independence day ceremony. At the end of the ceremony many present over there appreciated my efforts in coming down from Bangalore to participate in the ceremony and to institute the scholarships for the benefit of our village. Ofcourse this wouldnt have been possible without the support of my freinds in my village.
Many said that the highlight of the program was the following speech that I delivered after flag hoisting. It was a complete extempore. I was alloted 15 mins but it went on for 40 mins. Children have totally enjoyed it. Speech was mainly targeted inducing patriotic feelings and certain moral values among students and to give them a direction towards working foir a better village.
Honorable public representatives of our village who are striving hard towards making this village a model village, Respected head master of our school, Shri Venkat Reddy who is working very hard to create all kinds of facilities to make our school a good learning place, dear youth, students of this school, guests, all the people of our village who have gathered here to participate in this ceremony, each one of you - My whole hearted Namakars to you. Wish you a very happy independence day.
On this auspicious occasion, I would like to start my speech with few patriotic slogans. Let this whole school vibrate with these slogans and let the whole village vibrate with these slogans.
Bharata Mata ki Jai. Vande Matharam. Jai Telangana.
Now the stage has gained a momentum and is set for a good speech. Friends, Today we all have assembled here to celebrate 64th independence day. Celebrating Independence Day doesn’t mean hoisting the flag and enjoying the sweets. August 15th is just not to be considered as another public holiday. There is much more to it. August 15th is a day when all the citizens should meet up in each and every village, every town and every colony and ponder over on what were the conditions before independence, how we have achieved freedom and what was the vision of martyrs and what were the golas that we have set for our independent India in 1947 and whether we have achieved them and if not, how can we achieve them. These are the things which need to be discussed thoroughly on this auspicious day.
Dear students when did our India became Independent? On Aug 15th 1947. From whom? From British. Who ruled us prior to British? Its Mughal emperors. Who ruled prior to Mughals? Its our Indian rulers. Yes that era of Indian rulers is called Swarna Yuga. In that era, there was no violence, no corruption, no injustice, no adharma. People used to lead a happy, peaceful and a prosperous life. It was like a Rama Rajya. In such Rama Rajya, ancient India has progressed in almost all fields - education, science, health, astronomy, sports, literature etc.
It is during this period India has led the whole world as a supreme power. Not like US through its economy but through unique qualities. The major contribution of India through which India became a Jagath guru is through its spirituality. Through its spiritual values India has conquered the whole world. In the field of education, ancient India made a huge progress. Thousands of students from more than hundred different countries have studied more than eighty different degrees in Nalanda and Thakshashila Universities which then existed in today’s Bihar. It’s through these Universities, Univeristies were named as “Universe”ities or “Vishwa” Vidhyalayam. Because students from all over the world have studied the whole universe together, these learning places were called “Vishwavidyalayam” or “Universities”. These terms are still by the whole world even today. In the field of mathematics, it is because of India, today we are able to send satellites into space, it’s because of India today we are able to send rockets into space. It’s only though zero and pi which India invented, all the complex astronomy calculations are possible which otherwise wouldnt have been a possibility. It’s India which has presented the whole world a sweet gift called music. It’s in India, sapthaswaras have taken birth. Swapthaswaras are basis for all kinds of music that we hear today. It is Sanskrit through which majority of European Languages have taken their birth. In today’s software world, It’s Sanskrit which is being used as medium to translate one language into other. In today’s world, scientists and doctors are appreciated for small inventions in medicine but many great inventions were made thousands of years back itself all of which are documented in well known Ayurveda. In this way, by making a mark in almost all fields of human life, India has conquered the whole world. That’s why I called this era as Swarna Yuga.
But today’s India is different. Its all violence, injustice, corruption and adharma which is ruling every where. No peaceful life for people. Numerous problems like Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment etc. are haunting them. One who knows this vast difference between ancient and today’s India would definitely have one question, why such difference between today and ancient India. It’s because ancient India was built on basis of two basic concepts – Knowledge and unselfishness. Our sadhus sacrificed their entire lives to research on all the wonders of this world, the science behind it and documented their findings in form of Vedas and Upanishads. Such findings were not only documented but also were spread among common people. These findings have transformed Indian society to a knowledge society. With this knowledge, people led life with a rational approach and with highest moral and ethical values. This led India to lead the whole world.
But today it’s all selfishness and ignorance everywhere in our country. We see people committing numerous sins. I would like to illustrate this with a small story. There is a person living in a small village in Warangal district. We all know that each one of us who have come to this world have to leave this world at some point or the other. No one is permanent. Similarly this person’s time has come to leave this world and yamadutas have come to take him to yama loka. This person enters yama loka with yama dutas. In the first room that he enters he sees Chitragupta reading out sins committed by different people and different people being boiled in boiling oil. After that he enters the next room. That is a big hall. There he sees a number of wall clocks hanged to the walls. He was surprised and then he says to yama dutas, “In our bhulokha, we generally use only one wall clock. Few rich people who don’t know what do with the surplus money that they have use one clock in each room. But why do you people use so many clocks in a single hall in your yama loka? Then the Chitragupta sitting over there replies saying that clocks of all the countries are put on that wall and that’s why he finds number of clocks. Then this person gets satisfied with Chitragupta’s answer and looks into different clocks. He observes that the minutes hands in each clock are rotating with different speeds. Surprised by this, he asks Chitragupta the reason for different speeds in different clocks. Chitragupta then replies saying that the speeds in different clocks represent the sins being committed in the respective countries. This raised the curiosity in this person to see India’s clock. He then repeatedly requests Chitragupta to show the Indian clock. Chitragupta listens to his request and says that India’s clock is kept in Yama Dharma Raja’s personal room but he would take him to that room since this person has made repeated requests. Chitragupta takes this person to Yama Dharma Raja’s room. As soon as they entered Yama’s room, they felt as if the room is air conditioned. Yama was happily sleeping on his bed and beside his bed, there is a big clock that is seen. And the minutes hand is rotating with such a speed that Yama is using this clock as a fan. Then Chitragupta says to this person that this is the magnitude of the sins being committed in India. So, friends this is how the ground situation looks like In India. One may have doubt why such a great India has become like that. It’s because Indians are put far away from science for centuries by our invaders. It’s because our invaders have destroyed our culture, our traditions and our values during centuries of their rule. During this time, people have lost rationality in their thinking. People lost moral values. People have started practicing superstitions. People have not only become ignorant but also selfish.
Having known the glory of our ancient india, wouldn’t you want to revive the past glory. A loud yes from the audience. Good. Great. Wonderful. This is definitely possible but there is only one means to achieve and that is by empowering the youth and children. Today more than 60% of our Indian population is below 30. And this generation is the future of this country. And therefore I say that It’s only through the empowerment of youth and children, this nation can be empowered. Developing patriotic feelings among youth and children and by inculcating highest moral values and by giving a good education to them can change the fate of this nation. In this process, the role of teacher becomes very important. Teacher is like a good sculptor. Like a sculpture who gives a life to a dead rock by his patience and creativity, a teacher can convert a normal child into a good citizen, a noble person and a great leader through his teacher and through his inspiration. Therefore I say that the role of teachers in reviving the past glory is immense and immeasurable.
At the same time, change is essential in the way learning process is carried out in schools. Instead of taking children to state legislative assemblies, they should be taken to gram panchayats. They should be explained how government functions in a small village. Children I want to ask you if you have ever visited our gram panchayats, if you learnt about the duties of a sarpanch, of panchayat members and if you know if these public representatives are actually performing their duties. If you donot know these how can you grow as good citizens, how can you question your sarpanch. Have you ever visited the Government hospital and found how different equipments function and how doctors use them. Have you ever visited the nearby railway station and have you ever thought why the steel railings don’t move when the trains moves on them? Have you ever gone to fields with your teachers and found why certain crops are not grown in our villages? Learning needs to be made local and practical. That develops curiosity among students and make them ask questions. Questions make the teachers also very enthusiastic to continuously upgrade their knowledge with new concepts and give their best to students.
I want to quote an incident from Kalam’s life at this juncture. As we all know Kalam comes from rameshwar of Tamil nadu. Shri Sivasubramania Iyer was his teacher and he used to teach science in Kalam’s school. He was one of the very good teachers in that school. All the students used to love to attend his class and hear him. One day he was teaching about bird's flight. He drew a diagram of a bird on the blackboard depicting the wings, tail and the body structure with the head. He explained how the birds create the lift and fly. He also explained how they change direction while flying. Nearly for 25 minutes he gave the lecture with various information such as lift, drag, how the birds fly in a formation of 10, 20 or 30. At the end of the class, he wanted to know whether we understood how the birds fly. Kalam said, “I did not understand how the birds fly.” When Kalam said this, the teacher asked the other students whether they understood or not. Many students said that they also did not understand. He did not get upset by our response since he was a committed teacher.
Iyer said that he would take all the students to the sea shore. That evening the whole class was at the sea shore of Rameswaram. They enjoyed the roaring sea waves knocking at the sandy hills in the pleasant evening. Birds were flying with sweet chirping voice. He showed the sea birds in formations of 10 to 20 numbers. We saw the marvelous formations of birds with a purpose and they were all amazed. He showed us the birds and asked us to see that when the birds fly, what they looked like. We saw the wings flapping. He asked students to look at the tail portion with the combination of flapping wings and twisting tail. Students noticed closely and found that the birds in that condition flew in the direction they desired. Then he asked students a question, where the engine is and how it is powered. Bird is powered by its own life and the motivation of what it wants. All these things were explained to students within Fifteen minutes. Students understood the whole bird dynamics from this practical example. How nice it was? The teacher was a great teacher; he could give them a theoretical lesson coupled with a live practical example available in nature. This is real teaching. For Kalam, it was not merely an understanding of how a bird flies. The bird's flight entered into kalam and created a special feeling. From that evening, he thought that his future study has to be with reference to flight and flight systems. That one incident has not changed the fate of Kalam but also the fate of this country. Kalam has not only studied rocket science but also became the president of India. Not just a president of India but also the best president of India. For that matter even Vivekananda has become a maha yogi because of Sri Rama Krishna Pramhamsa. Its only because of the teachings of Sri Rama Krishna, Vivekananda has become a maha Yogi. The whole world got benefited from it. From this we understand that practical learning is essential for a better and quick learning and that a teacher has the power to change the fate of the nation.
So, friends as I said the empowerment of children of youth and children of this nation alone can revive our past glory. If this is done, we won’t be very far from our dream of becoming a supreme power, a supreme power not by the state of our economy but by the state of our values. A supreme power which commands respects from the whole world and not a supreme power which creates fear among people. I am sure we all will see this in the near future. Yes, definitely during our life time.
Dear children I have thought of five principles which I want you to take as pledge and follow in your daily lives. Simple points like these can bring a great change.
1. I will pursue my education with full dedication and hard work and will excel in it.
2. I will constantly endeavor to remove the pain of my suffering brethren.
3. I will plant at least 5 saplings and shall ensure their growth through constant care.
4. I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and will set an example for others to adopt a righteous way of life.
5. I shall always keep myself, my home, my surroundings, neighbourhood and environment clean and tidy.
Children, You are the future citizens of this nation and therefore your future is the nation’s future. I hope you all do well in your lives and make India proud. I wish you all the best.
param vaibhavamne tume tat swaraashtram
samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa tebhrusham
May our victorious organised power of action, by Thy Grace, be wholly capable of protecting our dharma and leading this nation of ours to the highest pinnacle of glory.
Jai Hind
Jai Telangana
I have planned "Dr. A P J Abdul Kalama Merit Scholarships" for class toppers of 5th to 10th standard just as as an encouragement to students. Apart from this, I have also planned "Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Grama Ratna" for the best student of our village for that particular village. The program was successfully conducted. Gram Ratna was a real Gram Ratna this time. This is awarded to a student named Rudrarapu Naresh who come from a very backward family financially. He stood as district topper by scoring 576 marks out of 600 and that too by studying in a Government school. Village youth, public representatives and many villagers have gathered and participated in the independence day ceremony. At the end of the ceremony many present over there appreciated my efforts in coming down from Bangalore to participate in the ceremony and to institute the scholarships for the benefit of our village. Ofcourse this wouldnt have been possible without the support of my freinds in my village.
Many said that the highlight of the program was the following speech that I delivered after flag hoisting. It was a complete extempore. I was alloted 15 mins but it went on for 40 mins. Children have totally enjoyed it. Speech was mainly targeted inducing patriotic feelings and certain moral values among students and to give them a direction towards working foir a better village.
Honorable public representatives of our village who are striving hard towards making this village a model village, Respected head master of our school, Shri Venkat Reddy who is working very hard to create all kinds of facilities to make our school a good learning place, dear youth, students of this school, guests, all the people of our village who have gathered here to participate in this ceremony, each one of you - My whole hearted Namakars to you. Wish you a very happy independence day.
On this auspicious occasion, I would like to start my speech with few patriotic slogans. Let this whole school vibrate with these slogans and let the whole village vibrate with these slogans.
Bharata Mata ki Jai. Vande Matharam. Jai Telangana.
Now the stage has gained a momentum and is set for a good speech. Friends, Today we all have assembled here to celebrate 64th independence day. Celebrating Independence Day doesn’t mean hoisting the flag and enjoying the sweets. August 15th is just not to be considered as another public holiday. There is much more to it. August 15th is a day when all the citizens should meet up in each and every village, every town and every colony and ponder over on what were the conditions before independence, how we have achieved freedom and what was the vision of martyrs and what were the golas that we have set for our independent India in 1947 and whether we have achieved them and if not, how can we achieve them. These are the things which need to be discussed thoroughly on this auspicious day.
Dear students when did our India became Independent? On Aug 15th 1947. From whom? From British. Who ruled us prior to British? Its Mughal emperors. Who ruled prior to Mughals? Its our Indian rulers. Yes that era of Indian rulers is called Swarna Yuga. In that era, there was no violence, no corruption, no injustice, no adharma. People used to lead a happy, peaceful and a prosperous life. It was like a Rama Rajya. In such Rama Rajya, ancient India has progressed in almost all fields - education, science, health, astronomy, sports, literature etc.
It is during this period India has led the whole world as a supreme power. Not like US through its economy but through unique qualities. The major contribution of India through which India became a Jagath guru is through its spirituality. Through its spiritual values India has conquered the whole world. In the field of education, ancient India made a huge progress. Thousands of students from more than hundred different countries have studied more than eighty different degrees in Nalanda and Thakshashila Universities which then existed in today’s Bihar. It’s through these Universities, Univeristies were named as “Universe”ities or “Vishwa” Vidhyalayam. Because students from all over the world have studied the whole universe together, these learning places were called “Vishwavidyalayam” or “Universities”. These terms are still by the whole world even today. In the field of mathematics, it is because of India, today we are able to send satellites into space, it’s because of India today we are able to send rockets into space. It’s only though zero and pi which India invented, all the complex astronomy calculations are possible which otherwise wouldnt have been a possibility. It’s India which has presented the whole world a sweet gift called music. It’s in India, sapthaswaras have taken birth. Swapthaswaras are basis for all kinds of music that we hear today. It is Sanskrit through which majority of European Languages have taken their birth. In today’s software world, It’s Sanskrit which is being used as medium to translate one language into other. In today’s world, scientists and doctors are appreciated for small inventions in medicine but many great inventions were made thousands of years back itself all of which are documented in well known Ayurveda. In this way, by making a mark in almost all fields of human life, India has conquered the whole world. That’s why I called this era as Swarna Yuga.
But today’s India is different. Its all violence, injustice, corruption and adharma which is ruling every where. No peaceful life for people. Numerous problems like Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment etc. are haunting them. One who knows this vast difference between ancient and today’s India would definitely have one question, why such difference between today and ancient India. It’s because ancient India was built on basis of two basic concepts – Knowledge and unselfishness. Our sadhus sacrificed their entire lives to research on all the wonders of this world, the science behind it and documented their findings in form of Vedas and Upanishads. Such findings were not only documented but also were spread among common people. These findings have transformed Indian society to a knowledge society. With this knowledge, people led life with a rational approach and with highest moral and ethical values. This led India to lead the whole world.
But today it’s all selfishness and ignorance everywhere in our country. We see people committing numerous sins. I would like to illustrate this with a small story. There is a person living in a small village in Warangal district. We all know that each one of us who have come to this world have to leave this world at some point or the other. No one is permanent. Similarly this person’s time has come to leave this world and yamadutas have come to take him to yama loka. This person enters yama loka with yama dutas. In the first room that he enters he sees Chitragupta reading out sins committed by different people and different people being boiled in boiling oil. After that he enters the next room. That is a big hall. There he sees a number of wall clocks hanged to the walls. He was surprised and then he says to yama dutas, “In our bhulokha, we generally use only one wall clock. Few rich people who don’t know what do with the surplus money that they have use one clock in each room. But why do you people use so many clocks in a single hall in your yama loka? Then the Chitragupta sitting over there replies saying that clocks of all the countries are put on that wall and that’s why he finds number of clocks. Then this person gets satisfied with Chitragupta’s answer and looks into different clocks. He observes that the minutes hands in each clock are rotating with different speeds. Surprised by this, he asks Chitragupta the reason for different speeds in different clocks. Chitragupta then replies saying that the speeds in different clocks represent the sins being committed in the respective countries. This raised the curiosity in this person to see India’s clock. He then repeatedly requests Chitragupta to show the Indian clock. Chitragupta listens to his request and says that India’s clock is kept in Yama Dharma Raja’s personal room but he would take him to that room since this person has made repeated requests. Chitragupta takes this person to Yama Dharma Raja’s room. As soon as they entered Yama’s room, they felt as if the room is air conditioned. Yama was happily sleeping on his bed and beside his bed, there is a big clock that is seen. And the minutes hand is rotating with such a speed that Yama is using this clock as a fan. Then Chitragupta says to this person that this is the magnitude of the sins being committed in India. So, friends this is how the ground situation looks like In India. One may have doubt why such a great India has become like that. It’s because Indians are put far away from science for centuries by our invaders. It’s because our invaders have destroyed our culture, our traditions and our values during centuries of their rule. During this time, people have lost rationality in their thinking. People lost moral values. People have started practicing superstitions. People have not only become ignorant but also selfish.
Having known the glory of our ancient india, wouldn’t you want to revive the past glory. A loud yes from the audience. Good. Great. Wonderful. This is definitely possible but there is only one means to achieve and that is by empowering the youth and children. Today more than 60% of our Indian population is below 30. And this generation is the future of this country. And therefore I say that It’s only through the empowerment of youth and children, this nation can be empowered. Developing patriotic feelings among youth and children and by inculcating highest moral values and by giving a good education to them can change the fate of this nation. In this process, the role of teacher becomes very important. Teacher is like a good sculptor. Like a sculpture who gives a life to a dead rock by his patience and creativity, a teacher can convert a normal child into a good citizen, a noble person and a great leader through his teacher and through his inspiration. Therefore I say that the role of teachers in reviving the past glory is immense and immeasurable.
At the same time, change is essential in the way learning process is carried out in schools. Instead of taking children to state legislative assemblies, they should be taken to gram panchayats. They should be explained how government functions in a small village. Children I want to ask you if you have ever visited our gram panchayats, if you learnt about the duties of a sarpanch, of panchayat members and if you know if these public representatives are actually performing their duties. If you donot know these how can you grow as good citizens, how can you question your sarpanch. Have you ever visited the Government hospital and found how different equipments function and how doctors use them. Have you ever visited the nearby railway station and have you ever thought why the steel railings don’t move when the trains moves on them? Have you ever gone to fields with your teachers and found why certain crops are not grown in our villages? Learning needs to be made local and practical. That develops curiosity among students and make them ask questions. Questions make the teachers also very enthusiastic to continuously upgrade their knowledge with new concepts and give their best to students.
I want to quote an incident from Kalam’s life at this juncture. As we all know Kalam comes from rameshwar of Tamil nadu. Shri Sivasubramania Iyer was his teacher and he used to teach science in Kalam’s school. He was one of the very good teachers in that school. All the students used to love to attend his class and hear him. One day he was teaching about bird's flight. He drew a diagram of a bird on the blackboard depicting the wings, tail and the body structure with the head. He explained how the birds create the lift and fly. He also explained how they change direction while flying. Nearly for 25 minutes he gave the lecture with various information such as lift, drag, how the birds fly in a formation of 10, 20 or 30. At the end of the class, he wanted to know whether we understood how the birds fly. Kalam said, “I did not understand how the birds fly.” When Kalam said this, the teacher asked the other students whether they understood or not. Many students said that they also did not understand. He did not get upset by our response since he was a committed teacher.
Iyer said that he would take all the students to the sea shore. That evening the whole class was at the sea shore of Rameswaram. They enjoyed the roaring sea waves knocking at the sandy hills in the pleasant evening. Birds were flying with sweet chirping voice. He showed the sea birds in formations of 10 to 20 numbers. We saw the marvelous formations of birds with a purpose and they were all amazed. He showed us the birds and asked us to see that when the birds fly, what they looked like. We saw the wings flapping. He asked students to look at the tail portion with the combination of flapping wings and twisting tail. Students noticed closely and found that the birds in that condition flew in the direction they desired. Then he asked students a question, where the engine is and how it is powered. Bird is powered by its own life and the motivation of what it wants. All these things were explained to students within Fifteen minutes. Students understood the whole bird dynamics from this practical example. How nice it was? The teacher was a great teacher; he could give them a theoretical lesson coupled with a live practical example available in nature. This is real teaching. For Kalam, it was not merely an understanding of how a bird flies. The bird's flight entered into kalam and created a special feeling. From that evening, he thought that his future study has to be with reference to flight and flight systems. That one incident has not changed the fate of Kalam but also the fate of this country. Kalam has not only studied rocket science but also became the president of India. Not just a president of India but also the best president of India. For that matter even Vivekananda has become a maha yogi because of Sri Rama Krishna Pramhamsa. Its only because of the teachings of Sri Rama Krishna, Vivekananda has become a maha Yogi. The whole world got benefited from it. From this we understand that practical learning is essential for a better and quick learning and that a teacher has the power to change the fate of the nation.
So, friends as I said the empowerment of children of youth and children of this nation alone can revive our past glory. If this is done, we won’t be very far from our dream of becoming a supreme power, a supreme power not by the state of our economy but by the state of our values. A supreme power which commands respects from the whole world and not a supreme power which creates fear among people. I am sure we all will see this in the near future. Yes, definitely during our life time.
Dear children I have thought of five principles which I want you to take as pledge and follow in your daily lives. Simple points like these can bring a great change.
1. I will pursue my education with full dedication and hard work and will excel in it.
2. I will constantly endeavor to remove the pain of my suffering brethren.
3. I will plant at least 5 saplings and shall ensure their growth through constant care.
4. I will lead an honest life free from all corruption and will set an example for others to adopt a righteous way of life.
5. I shall always keep myself, my home, my surroundings, neighbourhood and environment clean and tidy.
Children, You are the future citizens of this nation and therefore your future is the nation’s future. I hope you all do well in your lives and make India proud. I wish you all the best.
param vaibhavamne tume tat swaraashtram
samrthaa bhavatwaashishaa tebhrusham
May our victorious organised power of action, by Thy Grace, be wholly capable of protecting our dharma and leading this nation of ours to the highest pinnacle of glory.
Jai Hind
Jai Telangana
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
A Salute to our Inspirational Guru
After a three and half years long time, I have once again been to the great Oasis of Rajasthan deserts. This time it's to bid a farewell to our inspirational Guru Prof L K Maheshwari, the Vice Chancellor of BITS Pilani.
Two weeks prior to the event, as soon as I saw a personal mail from LKM, I have decided to book my tickets on the same day without any other thoughts in mind. This was an opportunity for me to express my gratitude for all the inspiration and the great learnings that he has provided me. BITS has given him a grand farwell where a large number of students, faculty, pilani locals and alumni across the globe have attanded. Sir deserves it for all his contributions in last 4 decades. Sir has invited me at his residence the next day and we had a good chat for around 15 mins after which Prof V S Rao has joined us. Had a good breakfast at sirs house and finally left his house with sirs wholehearted blessings and a small gift he has brought for me from US. This time too, I havent observed any difference in the affection he has towards us. That itself makes him very unique.
This trip would also be remembered for few other things. Firstly for seeing Nirmaan working with same passion and same momentum even after five years of starting it. That was a proud moment for me. Its an achievement by all Nirmaan members who graduated till now. Entire credit goes to all exceutive committee members of last five batches who have put the maximum efforts to sustain it. Luckily Krish, Anil and Pridhvi have arranged a meeting where I got an opportunity to meet our members. Very happy to meet them and talk to them. I just felt as if I was still in my 3rd year of BITS addressing all Nirmaan members. By the way, I visited even Gyan Vihar while returning from LKMs house. That was another emotional moment and before leaving the campus, I had an hour long talk and interaction with psentisemites attending placements. It was a great interaction. BITsians with same passion and same enthu. Thanks to Vijay who provided this opportunity and I hope that my inputs really help in their career. Then the MBA guys found me on the way and had discussed about their course structure, their fest, how to improve their placements etc. I just had two hours left to leave. After all its my own discipline with just a change in name of the degree. So, I couldnt deny them.
That's how I ended my trip travelling from Pilani to Delhi by same old Rajasthan Road ways Bus with a good chai in Nuthan with my pilani friend Girirajji and Anil, Pridhvi and Karthik. Got a flight in the early morning to bangalore and reached bangalore and felt missing Pilani badly.
I was the only lucky alumni to get an opportunity to speak a few words about sir in his farwell ceremony. After my speech, I have read out 6 select messages from well knwon alumni like Baba Kalyani etc. out of 100s of messages recieved from alumni across the world.
Here is the text of the speech delivered at Prof L K Maheshwari's farewell ceremony in BITS Pilani Audtorium on 4th August reminding my association with Prof LKM:
Respected Prof LK Maheshwari, Prfo BN Jain, the new chancellor, all the Directors, Deans, Faculty members, alumni, guests and my dear BITSians - A very evening to all of you.
40 years of journey at Pilani crossing various milestones and reaching the highest possible position guiding this world class University. From the very grassroots to the highest possible position at BITS. From student to Vice chancellor of the same University. What an amazing journey! What an illustrious career! This alone speaks volumes about Prof Maheshwari. His commitment, sincerity and dedication to academics, love for BITS, affection towards students has made it possible. Prof Maheshwari is a living embodiment of knowledge, human values, spiritual values and entrepreneurial spirit.That makes him a very unique personality.
I am one among the few who is fortunate enough to know Prof L K Maheshwari very closely. I have been closely associated with sir from last eight years. I have closely worked with him on various initiatives in various capacities, as General Secretary of Students Union, as President of Nirmaan, as Vice President of BITSAA International and more as a BITSian. I have had several interactions and several discussions with Prof Maheshwari on various occasions. Having known him so closely, I can only say one thing that BITS Pilani is blessed to have such a Vice Chancellor. We are blessed to have him as our inspiring leader of this University.
The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Prof Maheshwari is one such great teacher. Because he has just not taught in EEE classes and he has just not led this University as Vice Chancellor. But he has inspired a number of people around him May it be students or May it be faculty members or administrative staff to accomplish good tasks in their lives.
I want to share one of my interactions with Prof Maheshwari at this juncture. Each time I meet him, I used to learn something new and something great that I remember it throughout my life. That’s why whenever I used to meet Prof Maheshwari, I always used to take one or two of my friends or my juniors along with me so that they too can get a chance to meet such person. Once I have taken two of my friends along with me for some meeting. After greeting sir, I have opened my dairy and was about to put the first point in the agenda for discussion. All of a sudden, sir asked my freind Mayur how many shirts he has. I was surprised. I was thinking why sir is asking such a question. We were in a dilemma. My friend said he has eleven shirts. Then sir asked can you live with eight shirts. My friend said Yes. Then he took out 10 mins and started explaining us the inherent greatness of our Indian culture saying that Indian culture is a conservative culture where people lead a simple life, satisfy their needs with the minimum number of resources and then try to assist their fellow being with the additional resource they have. This reaps two benefits to the mankind. One is that we can ensure that we do not waste our country’s resources and the other one; we can try bringing up our fellow beings around who are in need. What a great message! My friend even remembers that message even now Such is the kind of inspiration that sir has left on many of us.
On another occasion around 3 years back, once there was a flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of Independence Day. All the students have assembled in the C lawns. All of us were sanding in C lawns and waiting for flag hoisting. Suddenly It was announced that Babaji, a very old aged person, an employee working in SWD will be the chief guest and he will hoist the flag. Prof Maheshwari accompanied babaiji and babaji hoisted the flag. What an inherent great message sir has given through his initiative? Everyone is important in an organization to progress and prosper. Be it the Vice Chancellor or babaji. And another message that he has given us is that one needs to respect elders, their experience and their service.
Such is the personality of Prof Maheshwari. He is a role model for each one of us, for the generations who have graduated and for generations of the future. A genius with human values alone can make it possible.
Sir, from my perspective will be remembered for ever in BITS for four of your major contributions.
1. Developing a culture of entrepreneurship
Promoted CEL, entrepreneurial endeavors of students and inspired students to pursue entrepreneurship
2.Inspiring students towards social activism and social entrepreneurship
Promoted Nirmaan which is providing a platform for at least 50 students from each batch to make a social contribution to the society. Promoted Women studies, RED activities
3.Upholding BITS Values and Strengthening BITS culture
Took pride in BITS culture like attendance, several discussions, giving freedom etc..
4.Creating a Vision for making BITS a world class university
Personally I share a very close relation with sir. Sir you have been my mentor and inspiration and I have no words to express my gratitude for that except saying that If I have done something good till now and I am going to do something good, it’s definitely because of the inspiration you have provided me.
Sir, on behalf of members of Nirmaan, BITSAA International, batch of 2002, alumni across the world and on my personal behalf, I wish you a very good health and happy life in this new phase of your life. We are glad that you will be around us as advisor to chancellor while BITS continues its journey its excellence.
Thank you.

Two weeks prior to the event, as soon as I saw a personal mail from LKM, I have decided to book my tickets on the same day without any other thoughts in mind. This was an opportunity for me to express my gratitude for all the inspiration and the great learnings that he has provided me. BITS has given him a grand farwell where a large number of students, faculty, pilani locals and alumni across the globe have attanded. Sir deserves it for all his contributions in last 4 decades. Sir has invited me at his residence the next day and we had a good chat for around 15 mins after which Prof V S Rao has joined us. Had a good breakfast at sirs house and finally left his house with sirs wholehearted blessings and a small gift he has brought for me from US. This time too, I havent observed any difference in the affection he has towards us. That itself makes him very unique.
This trip would also be remembered for few other things. Firstly for seeing Nirmaan working with same passion and same momentum even after five years of starting it. That was a proud moment for me. Its an achievement by all Nirmaan members who graduated till now. Entire credit goes to all exceutive committee members of last five batches who have put the maximum efforts to sustain it. Luckily Krish, Anil and Pridhvi have arranged a meeting where I got an opportunity to meet our members. Very happy to meet them and talk to them. I just felt as if I was still in my 3rd year of BITS addressing all Nirmaan members. By the way, I visited even Gyan Vihar while returning from LKMs house. That was another emotional moment and before leaving the campus, I had an hour long talk and interaction with psentisemites attending placements. It was a great interaction. BITsians with same passion and same enthu. Thanks to Vijay who provided this opportunity and I hope that my inputs really help in their career. Then the MBA guys found me on the way and had discussed about their course structure, their fest, how to improve their placements etc. I just had two hours left to leave. After all its my own discipline with just a change in name of the degree. So, I couldnt deny them.
That's how I ended my trip travelling from Pilani to Delhi by same old Rajasthan Road ways Bus with a good chai in Nuthan with my pilani friend Girirajji and Anil, Pridhvi and Karthik. Got a flight in the early morning to bangalore and reached bangalore and felt missing Pilani badly.
I was the only lucky alumni to get an opportunity to speak a few words about sir in his farwell ceremony. After my speech, I have read out 6 select messages from well knwon alumni like Baba Kalyani etc. out of 100s of messages recieved from alumni across the world.
Here is the text of the speech delivered at Prof L K Maheshwari's farewell ceremony in BITS Pilani Audtorium on 4th August reminding my association with Prof LKM:
Respected Prof LK Maheshwari, Prfo BN Jain, the new chancellor, all the Directors, Deans, Faculty members, alumni, guests and my dear BITSians - A very evening to all of you.
40 years of journey at Pilani crossing various milestones and reaching the highest possible position guiding this world class University. From the very grassroots to the highest possible position at BITS. From student to Vice chancellor of the same University. What an amazing journey! What an illustrious career! This alone speaks volumes about Prof Maheshwari. His commitment, sincerity and dedication to academics, love for BITS, affection towards students has made it possible. Prof Maheshwari is a living embodiment of knowledge, human values, spiritual values and entrepreneurial spirit.That makes him a very unique personality.
I am one among the few who is fortunate enough to know Prof L K Maheshwari very closely. I have been closely associated with sir from last eight years. I have closely worked with him on various initiatives in various capacities, as General Secretary of Students Union, as President of Nirmaan, as Vice President of BITSAA International and more as a BITSian. I have had several interactions and several discussions with Prof Maheshwari on various occasions. Having known him so closely, I can only say one thing that BITS Pilani is blessed to have such a Vice Chancellor. We are blessed to have him as our inspiring leader of this University.
The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Prof Maheshwari is one such great teacher. Because he has just not taught in EEE classes and he has just not led this University as Vice Chancellor. But he has inspired a number of people around him May it be students or May it be faculty members or administrative staff to accomplish good tasks in their lives.
I want to share one of my interactions with Prof Maheshwari at this juncture. Each time I meet him, I used to learn something new and something great that I remember it throughout my life. That’s why whenever I used to meet Prof Maheshwari, I always used to take one or two of my friends or my juniors along with me so that they too can get a chance to meet such person. Once I have taken two of my friends along with me for some meeting. After greeting sir, I have opened my dairy and was about to put the first point in the agenda for discussion. All of a sudden, sir asked my freind Mayur how many shirts he has. I was surprised. I was thinking why sir is asking such a question. We were in a dilemma. My friend said he has eleven shirts. Then sir asked can you live with eight shirts. My friend said Yes. Then he took out 10 mins and started explaining us the inherent greatness of our Indian culture saying that Indian culture is a conservative culture where people lead a simple life, satisfy their needs with the minimum number of resources and then try to assist their fellow being with the additional resource they have. This reaps two benefits to the mankind. One is that we can ensure that we do not waste our country’s resources and the other one; we can try bringing up our fellow beings around who are in need. What a great message! My friend even remembers that message even now Such is the kind of inspiration that sir has left on many of us.
On another occasion around 3 years back, once there was a flag hoisting ceremony on the occasion of Independence Day. All the students have assembled in the C lawns. All of us were sanding in C lawns and waiting for flag hoisting. Suddenly It was announced that Babaji, a very old aged person, an employee working in SWD will be the chief guest and he will hoist the flag. Prof Maheshwari accompanied babaiji and babaji hoisted the flag. What an inherent great message sir has given through his initiative? Everyone is important in an organization to progress and prosper. Be it the Vice Chancellor or babaji. And another message that he has given us is that one needs to respect elders, their experience and their service.
Such is the personality of Prof Maheshwari. He is a role model for each one of us, for the generations who have graduated and for generations of the future. A genius with human values alone can make it possible.
Sir, from my perspective will be remembered for ever in BITS for four of your major contributions.
1. Developing a culture of entrepreneurship
Promoted CEL, entrepreneurial endeavors of students and inspired students to pursue entrepreneurship
2.Inspiring students towards social activism and social entrepreneurship
Promoted Nirmaan which is providing a platform for at least 50 students from each batch to make a social contribution to the society. Promoted Women studies, RED activities
3.Upholding BITS Values and Strengthening BITS culture
Took pride in BITS culture like attendance, several discussions, giving freedom etc..
4.Creating a Vision for making BITS a world class university
Personally I share a very close relation with sir. Sir you have been my mentor and inspiration and I have no words to express my gratitude for that except saying that If I have done something good till now and I am going to do something good, it’s definitely because of the inspiration you have provided me.
Sir, on behalf of members of Nirmaan, BITSAA International, batch of 2002, alumni across the world and on my personal behalf, I wish you a very good health and happy life in this new phase of your life. We are glad that you will be around us as advisor to chancellor while BITS continues its journey its excellence.
Thank you.

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