Following are few snaps of Lok Satta's "Letter to Prime Minister" program thats organised in hanmakonda in Dec 10. The program was aimed at demanding prime minister to take action against the cuplrits in 2G spectrum scam. I have participated along with our team in the program on recieving a call from KodandaRama Rao, State Vice President of Lok Satta. Its a very successful program in terms of letting know the prime minister about the ground reality and in creating a public mood against corruption.
Monday, July 11, 2011
We Want a Corruption Free India
Following are few snaps of the anti corruption rally that's organised in Dec 10 in my village to create an awareness among people on corruption issue. Around 800 students and youth participated in 5 kms rally which continued for 2 hours. Children from age of 5 till youth and old aged participated in it and made it a huge success. This is a first hand experience for me in organising mass rallies.
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